At Rosemellin School, PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is a key subject that permeates through all areas of our school life, as well as being taught as a discrete subject from Foundation to Year Six. It provides opportunities for our children to learn about developing and maintaining positive relationships with others, healthy lifestyles, personal finance, ‘staying safe’ and to reflect on current and future aspirations. Our School Programme of Study is based on the Lifewise scheme. We are also members of the PSHE association.

“Our children are growing up in one of the most rapidly changing periods in our history. This creates complex challenges and new opportunities. PSHE Education deals with the real life issues affecting our children, families and communities. It is concerned with the social, health and economic realities of their lives, experiences and attitudes. PSHE Education helps all children to achieve their fullest potential.” PSHE Association

For more information please click on the Pdf below:

2022 PSHE policy (Including RSE)

Lifewise sequencing document

Lifewise content overview