Special Educational Needs

Our SEND Team are a group of dedicated staff, who work closely in a variety of ways to ensure that all pupils needs are being met within school, in a safe and caring environment. View the latest report to Governors on the PDF below:

SEND Policy 2023-2024

Accessibility Plan 2021-2024

Complaints procedure

SEN Info Report 2022 23

SEND Local Offer

Who are the SEND Team?

Liam Alston

SENDCO/Children in Care

Kim Than

SEND Manager Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Rob Lyth

Learning Mentor Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Rachael Jeffrey

Speech & Language

Need help?

Whether you or your child are experiencing difficulties either in school or at home, we can offer support and guidance. We can also help to signpost you to various multi-agencies if needs be.

For free, safe and anonymous online support for young people from Kooth click here:


Cornwall’s local offer can be viewed here:

Cornwall SEND local offer

Download the Parent Champions Dyslexia guide by clicking on the PDF below:

Understanding Dyslexia

Please feel free to ring or pop in at any time for a friendly chat with;
Liam Alston our SENDCO / Kim Than our SEND Managers / Rob Lyth our Learning Mentor / Racheal Jeffrey our Speech and Language Support.

Young People Cornwall engages, inspires and supports young people across the county, with youth work that makes a difference. For more information click here:

Young People Cornwall