
What is safeguarding?

Protecting children from maltreatment.

Preventing the impairment of children’s health or development.

Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.

Taking action to enable all the children to have the best outcomes.

Our school community has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This means that we have policies and procedures in place which are available on the web site or from the school office on request. All staff, including our volunteers and supply staff, must ensure that they are aware of and follow our policies and procedures.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will always ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with their parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that this is not in the child’s best interests.

To read the Keeping children safe in education guidance from the Department of Education please click on the PDF below.


If you have a concern about a child, please speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead – Miss. Natasha Anderson.

If she is not available, you can also speak to one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads – Mr Rob Lyth, Miss Kim Than and Miss Charlene Sargent.

Contact number – 01209 712313

If you are concerned about a child’s safety, you can also contact the Multi Agency referral Unit (MARU) on 0300 123 1116. For urgent referrals after 17:15 or at the weekend call 01208 251 300.

If you have any concerns about a professional working with a child, you need to contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) on: 01872 326536

The NSPCC website provides useful information on types of abuse and what to look out for.

Child Sexual Exploitation – No matter who you are worried about, the quick guides at the CSE site will help you know what to look out for when spotting the signs of sexual exploitation.

‘Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly ‘

 Included in this website, areas for parents and carers, young people and professionals can be found.

Preventing Radicalisation – If you have any concerns about any child at any time, you should speak to Miss Anderson who is our Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the Prevent Agenda and our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). In her absence, please speak to Miss Sargent, the Headteacher and Deputy DSL or Rob Lyth Deputy DSL.

Please click on the Pdf below for more information on how to prevent radicalisation:

Prevent parent guide Rosemellin

The Safeguarding Team

Natasha Anderson

Deputy Head Designated Safeguarding Lead

Charlene Sargent

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Liam Alston

SENDCO/Children in Care

Kim Than

SEND Manager Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Rob Lyth

Learning Mentor Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Jenni Richards

Safeguarding & Child Protection Governor

Operation Encompass

The school has been given the opportunity to take part in a project that will run jointly between schools and Devon and Cornwall Police. Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools, prior to 9am on the next school day, when a child or young person has been exposed to, or involved in, any domestic incident.

Operation Encompass will ensure that a member of the school staff, known as a key adult, is trained to allow them to liaise with the police and to use the information that has been shared, in confidence, while ensuring that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families, who have been involved in, or exposed to a domestic incident.

We are keen to offer the best support to all our pupils and we believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.

You can find out more about Operation Encompass here:

See the source imageSee the source image

Educate Against Hate / Prevent

Educate Against Hate is a website packed with lots of advice and information to help parents talk to their children about radicalisation, online safety and extremism.

You can find out more about Educate Against Hate here:



Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. Prevent is 1 of the 4 elements of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

Click on the link below for further information.

ACT Early | Prevent radicalisation