
The calculation policy has been written in-line with the programmes of study taken from the revised National Curriculum for Mathematics (2014) and EYFS Curriculum Guidance Framework. It provides guidance on appropriate calculation methods and progression. The content is set out in year groups under the following headings: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

The mathematics calculation policy is a guide for all staff at Rosemellin School. It is designed to meet the three aims of the National Curriculum (Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning).

All teachers use the scheme of work from White Rose Maths Hub and all staff base their planning around these units. It is a sequential programme of study that is underpinned by promoting fluency in number. It progresses in small steps and builds on previous knowledge. It emphasises that all pupils must have a thorough grounding in the four basic rules of number before progressing on to the next level. This complete understanding gives pupils more confidence in dealing with number activities and in turn, leads to mastery of the four operations. Staff use a range of resources to develop the problem solving skills of our pupils. These include: Nrich; Classroom Secrets; NCETM Mastery resources.

At the centre of the mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics is the belief that all children have the potential to succeed. They should have access to the same curriculum content and, rather than being extended with new learning, they should deepen their conceptual understanding by tackling challenging and varied problems. The use of concrete and pictorial representations helps to deepen the understanding of mathematical concepts taught across the school.

More information about White Rose Maths can be found here: White Rose Maths website

Aims of the policy

To ensure consistency and progression in our approach to calculation.

Make teachers aware of the strategies that pupils are taught in each year group that will support them to perform mental and written calculations.

Supporting teachers in identifying appropriate pictorial representations and concrete materials.

To ensure that children develop an efficient, reliable, formal written method of calculation for all operations.

To ensure that children can use these methods accurately with confidence and understanding.

The policy only details the strategies; teachers must plan opportunities for pupils to apply these; for example, when solving problems, or where possible, opportunities somewhere else in the curriculum.

For more detailed information please click on the PDFs below:

Addition and subtraction calculation policy

Multiplication and Division calculation policy V2

 EYFS Maths

Yr1 Maths

Yr2 Maths

Yr3 Maths

Yr4 Maths

Yr5 Maths

Yr6 Maths