
Admissions Arrangements 2025/26

Please click on the PDF below for more information:

Crofty-Education Trust-Admissions-2025-26

Responsibility for admissions

The Trustees of Crofty Education Trust have responsibility for approval of the Admissions Policy and admissions arrangements for all member schools within the Trust. They will operate an admissions policy which ensures that all applications for admission to Crofty Education Trust academies are dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the School Admissions and Appeals Codes, including the application of an agreed set of published oversubscription criteria and, where appropriate, adherence to Cornwall Council’s coordinated admissions schemes.

All decisions regarding admission to each academy are the responsibility of Crofty Education Trust. However, it should be noted that Cornwall Council has a statutory duty to co-ordinate the admissions process for reception class applications. In addition, Cornwall Council has opted to assist parents by acting as a “clearing house” for applications to other school year groups.

Crofty schools will participate fully in the Local Authority’s Fair Access Protocol and the Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Admissions Schemes. Details of these schemes are available on the Council’s website ( or on request from the Local Authority. Closing dates and
other details about the application process will be stated in those Schemes.

Details of the co-ordinated admissions scheme for Reception admissions are available from Cornwall Council School Admissions Team, New County Hall, Truro, TR1 3AY

Telephone: 0300 1234 101



Closing dates, deadlines and timescales (including those relating to late applications) will be as stated in those schemes.

Please ,click on the Pdfs below for further information:

Admissions arrangements Crofty MAT 2023-24

Admissions arrangements Crofty MAT 2024-25

If you are considering delayed admission to the Reception year for you child, please see the Procedure for Deferred and Delayed Admission to Crofty MAT Schools:

Procedure for Deferred and Delayed Admission to Crofty Schools